JPE five valve manifolds are designed for natural gas application.
The manifolds consists of two shut off valves, two equalizing valves
and a single vent valve which takes the place of the conventional piped
up 5-valve manifolds generally found on field meters or gas service
differential pressure instrument.
The manifolds consists of two shut off valves, two equalizing valves
and a single vent valve which takes the place of the conventional piped
up 5-valve manifolds generally found on field meters or gas service
differential pressure instrument.
- R type
- block type
- pipe to pipe
- T type
- single flange type
- pipe to flange
- H type
- dual flange type
- flange to flange
Main Products
(SUS316 Tube Fitting), (SUS316 Ball Valve), (SUS316 Needle Valve), (SUS316 Check Valve), (SUS316 Steel Brass Quick coupling), (SUS316 Valve Manifold), (SUS316 Pressure Reducing Regulator)