Mounted over alternator(without AMF panel), Controller DC100: ensures continuous standby mode in one small panel, i.e. measures, controls and protects.
- Measurements:
- Ampermeter: 3
- Voltmeter: 1
- Voltmeter selector switch over: 1
- Wattmeter: 1
- Frequency meter: 1
- Cos phi meter: 1
- Engine and alternator control sensors wired to panel to detect and LED indicator to signal:
- Low engine lube oil pressure, high coolant temperature, overspeed, overcrank, low fuel level, faulty battery charging, fault on alternator.
- Protection:
- Caustically signaling and shut-down of set for low lube oil pressure, high coolant temperature, overvoltage and undervoltage of alternator, overspeed, repeated start failure.
- Operation control: For continuous standby run and automatic operation.
- Active network(in case of automatic operation when AMF panel is added).
- Voltage on terminals of alternator.
- Signaling alternator circuit breakers state.
- Remote operation control(option for remote starting in island mode and remote failure signaling).
- Operating elements on the switchboard(when set is designed for manual operation only by means of buttons on control panel):
- GEN(START): Start of genseet and connection to load.
- AUT(STOP): Disconnection from load and genset stopping.
- TEST: Checking genset run without loading connection.
- RESET: Re-set push button.(re-set of faulty signalization).
- Notice: Function AUT works when the genset is designed for automatic operation with network, for continuous standby run it ensures STOP.
Main Products
diesel and gas powered engines, generating sets, industrial pumps, spare parts and variable engineering goods