Etched Finished Plating

Product ID: P12

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This product can be used for construction materials, ornament, etc.
  • Color: gold, silver-gold, rose-gold, brass, smoke-gray, dark-gray
  • Finishes: polished, matte, etched
  • Patterns: select from over 20 etched patterns or as designed
  • Size: 4' x 8' 4' x 10'
  • Thickness: 0.4 - 2.0mm or your specification
  • Appearance: pure metallic film, depth and luxurious appearance, uniform color, shinier, glossier, more attractive than existing coatings.
  • Corrosion and oxidation-resistant: will not fade, tarnish, crack or peel in harsh sun, salt, humidity, acids and city environment.
  • Good formability: can bend over 90 digresses without cracking or flaking.
  • Abrasion resistant: hardness over 80Rc.
  • Durable: finish will maintain its appearance for years, harder, will extend the life of your coated products.
  • Economical: reduce time/expense of costly cleaning or polishing required by brass or gold planting: maintained with a soft cloth and window cleaner for years.
  • Vandal-resistant: marker pens and paints are easily removed.
  • Environmentally suited: avoids toxic chemical, VOC emission.
  • Art creation: by combination of etching and PVD coating (cover art created by this technology)

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