Auto Letter Press Printing Machines

Product ID: CF-260VL

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The most advanced auto letter press hot - stamping machines are specially designed for: business card, post cards, envelope, greeting card, invitation card, sticker, etc. can work with various plates: zinc plate, brass plate, letter press, photo polymer, Aluminum, magnesium plates, etc.
Model No. Max. sheet size Min. sheet size Printing area Printing speed
CF-3120C 100 x 150mm 45 x 27mm 95 x 145mm 2,500-4,200/hr.
CF-126VL 120 x 200mm 45 x 27mm 95 x 195mm 2,500-4,200/hr.
CF-260VL 260 x 120mm 45 x 30mm 95 x 230mm 2,500-4,200/hr.
  • Printers are all with wash up device and printing speed controller
  • Auto control stamping plate will be inoperative and shutdown upon no paper
  • Compulsory gripping system enhance the paper fail smoothly through the end
  • Printing pressure can be adjusted by the four points leveling of printing base, and equipped with micro adjustment device

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printing & hot - stamping machines, equipment of printing industry