Wanshulab is young dynamicly developing RC-company, published in February 2009. We are located in Hong Kong and China. Besides, we have a reliable suppliers and manufacturers of chemical raw-materials and pharmaceuticals equipments All over the world, with whom, we have signed long-term contracts on supply.The primary task of our company is to do business discreetly, working at stable and long-term basis, Responsibility and loyalty - are solid grounds and most valuable key moments in business atmosphere of our enterprise, carrying success to our business.Our main goal - is a granting of high-quality products and offer high-effective service with competitive prices for our customers. In addition, Rawchems works on extension of consumers network all over the world. We have signed up the business contracts and agreements with several reliable high-qualified producers and suppliers of raw-materials and ready goods in China, India, Pakistan and Netherlands. We can Certainly state that our business contacts and communication networks are amplifying all over the world.