We specialize in the importation, distribution and wholesales of the following under mentioned items. We are looking for manufacturer/exporter of these items.
Items: Security light, led head lamp, lantern, rechargeable torch light, Flash light
Electrical wires, Electrical accessories, switches, sockets, extensions, cables
Knap sack power sprayer, insecticides sprayer pumps, insecticides fabric spray, mosquito repellants, insecticides
Writing instruments, office stationery, school stationery, computer stationery
Kindly contact us via email with product catalogue and price list. Looking forward to a long time business relationship with competent and reliable company.
Company Profile
Factory Location21, Agbabiaka Street, Isolo
Business types
- Distributor
- Importer
North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong / Worldwide