Excellent quality is the tradition of our company .It has always been our operation policy and strategy’ to make perfect out of good and achieve 99% satisfaction’. Therefore advanced equipment has been introduced, excellent talents have been recruited and the staffs are regularly trained on quality. All these assure the quality of our products and bring about high reputation among our clients, which provides the basis for our cooperation.
Great emphasis has also been attached to sales and after-sale service, A complete network for sales and service has been set up in the local market and in Italy, Canada, USA, Middle east and Southeast Asian countries to provide convenient, fast and perfect service for customers home and abroad.
We will, as we always did, make every effort to satisfy your needs.
Company Profile
Factory Location420 Changxing Road, Houju Ind
Established in2003
No. of Employee5
Business types
- Exporter/Agent
- Wholesaler
North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong